Know the symptoms of ulcer Psychological Causes

Written By admin on Thursday, November 20, 2008 | 7:04 AM

Muffled emotion and anger you. Also hold a sense of disappointment and stress you. Because if not, tukak stomach and digestive problematic, is waiting. Actually many of them have been investigated this case. But still, that many ulcer or stomach disease, which suffered a person, because the problem is that they are not regular. Even if dikulik more, the issue of psychological someone also helped the emergence tukak stomach ulcer and that [can] acute.

We realized it or not, life is hard, work demands, and meet people, the fishing is always emotional, energy and our minds. Even in some previous papers, said that many psychological symptoms that cause the disease vulnerable. Moreover, patterns of life, plus a 'shattered' from time to eat, the menu options and other matters.

Life tend not regularly, and the oppressed are always concerns in that, berimbas usually dissolved in the channel. Suddenly we feel something is not good and the offending activity. Channel interference indigestion symptoms associated with food allergy also appear, such as vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, kolik, stomach pain, take and so forth.

Digestive disease is caused by several factors, such as not eating regularly, that is not stable psychological (stress) and various other causes. Ulcer is caused by many reasons psikomatik, such as the emergence of a sense of nausea, tender and do not want to eat. This disease is found in many people busy. As a cause often eat late, worsened again with the psychologically unstable

Some scientific reports both in the domestic or overseas shows that the number of allergic incidents continue to increase sharply several years terahkir. Other channel interference indigestion is a frequent vomiting. When people are in such condition. In several articles and psychological health, often written, dander can cause rheumatoid arthritis, heart attack, heart disease, heart failure, cancer, high blood pressure, stroke, tukak stomach.

I wonder when someone bury a facial hostility and exasperation, the pressure will increase sharply, then the risk of heart attack and stroke will be higher. This is not, the rate of stomach acid, which also gives effect to increase tensions that culminate tukak pain in the stomach.

When someone experienced excessive dander, concerns and stress caused by hatred, leading to increased adrenalin, blood pressure also increased with the risk of heart disease were two times higher. Not much different, with a high level of frustration felt when, exasperation or fear when eating, negative feelings will stimulate the nervous system simpatiknya that will lead to decreasing expenditure pancreas enzymes, the enzymes that create difficulties in the digestion of food. This causes flatulence, the gas, sick ulu, and other digestive problems.

Excessive stress caused by negative sentiment is quite dangerous because it increases the level kortisol, pressing the immune body's immune system, then when we bottle up the immune cells formed cancers start and grow. Stress can trigger tukak conditions in the stomach because the stress is quite possible people will do the risk of occurrence of side tukak as smoking, NSAID use drugs or alcohol. In addition, the condition is estimated to be in stress, hormone adrenalin production will lead to increased acid production by reseptor asetilkolin also increased, the effects stomach acid also increased.

Digestive disturbances that can lead to provocation or disturbance to the brain increases. Disruption to the brain itself raises many concerns on the development and has a behavior. So little any digestive disturbances will always arise repeatedly, it must be more skeptical early.

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