Do you wish to buy Dynamic Health Labs Cranberry Concentrate, what about this
best discount Dynamic Health Labs Cranberry Concentrate
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List Price: $21.19
Price: $11.87
Sale: $11.02 ($22.04 / kg)
You Save: $10.17 (48%)
Special Offers Available
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Yes..!! I want to share you more about Dynamic Health Labs Cranberry Concentrate
100% Pure Cranberry Juice Concentrate can help combat urinary tract infections and maintain kidney and bladder health. Cranberries are an excellent source of Vitamins A, C, B complex, Folic acid and Fiber. They also contain essential minerals such as: Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium and Sulfur. Cranberries contain plant pigments called bioflavanoids, which help repair damaged molecules formed when the body uses up oxygen. They also contain hippuric acid, which has antibacterial effects on the body, as well as natural antibiotic ingredients.
Product Features
Size: 16
Does Not Contain: Preservatives, sugar, or fat.
100% satisfaction guaranteed for Dynamic Health Labs Cranberry Concentrate
List Price: $21.19
Price: $11.87
Sale: $11.02 ($22.04 / kg)
You Save: $10.17 (48%)
Special Offers Available
Price: $11.87
Sale: $11.02 ($22.04 / kg)
You Save: $10.17 (48%)
Special Offers Available
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