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Yes..!! I want to share you more about Muscle Pharm Assault, Green Apple 32 Servings
Assault helps: fight fatigue, boost performance, build muscle, amp up intensity, hydrate muscles and feed them valuable, clinically-proven nutrients like Con-Cret, Beta Alanine, BCAAs and Cinnulin. Consume prior to training, or sip on it during the first part of your workout. From your first dose onward, feel a performance-boosting power surge that will power your entire workout, from stretching through to your final set. HOW DOES ASSAULT WORK? Assaults clinically proven formula combines the vital powerhouse active ingredients above with several key synergists into 3 MATRICES formulated to maximize performance-enhancing impact. Muscle Explosion NO Matrix: Powerful volumizing compounds, hydrogen ion scavengers and anti-fatigue agents work synergistically to keep muscles jammed, full and tight, with more contractile power than Mother Nature ever anticipated. Strength Domination & Recovery Matrix: Creatine Micro-Dosing maximizes bio-availability and eliminates negative side effects (e.g., cramping) of other inefficient creatine supplements that require massive doses. Assault leads to gigantic gains in strength and power. Mind Connection Matrix: This Matrix contains a unique and potent focus formula, designed to improve alertness and concentration capabilities. More than any caffeine-based jitter product, ASSAULT feeds the body, and razor-sharpens mental function without increased cardiac stimulation. The tests prove it: Assault is the only pre-workout that is certified by the NSF and Informed-Choice.
Product Features
Assault helps: fight fatigue, boost performance, build muscle, amp up intensity, hydrate muscles and feed them valuable, clinically-proven nutrients like Con-Cret, Beta Alanine, BCAAs and Cinnulin
Muscle Pharm
100% satisfaction guaranteed for Muscle Pharm Assault, Green Apple 32 Servings
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